Optimism Is Sexy*
*Sexy because living your dreams is the best climax you can ever have.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Independence [every] Day
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Makeover for the Glass Half Empty Girl
This blog is a little selfish. I’ll explain.
Pessimism, doubt and the f word, fear are often ideas that we settle ourselves in. Side effects include bitchy attitudes, immobility, and NEVER reaching your full potential. Years ago, I realized that I give myself to these ideas more than I would like to. Not sexy.
I read The Secret as well as many other books about changing your thoughts to change your life. Changing your life into the easy life. The sexy* life. I’ve seen it work for people. I’ve seen it work for me. Even though it does work, the waiting game gets to me and I tend to teeter back and forth between the good vibes and the f word. A totally normal and human thing to do but I don’t want to fall back. I’m hard on myself about it. Not effective for expanding the mind.
Despite my teetering, I preach these teachings to friends, family, and strangers who I share a couple of words with. Advice in the form of long speeches and poetic one liners come out of me even when I’m going through a period of doubt. I started to notice that sharing these beliefs with others made mine grow stronger.
“To teach is to learn twice over”- Joseph Joubert
I didn’t understand this quote when I first read it, but now it makes sense. To teach something you have to revisit and restructure the facts so they can reach others. So that leaves a lot of time to think about all of these positive things. Enough time for them to leave a mark. So in sharing with you, I am relearning how to think this way.
So yes, this blog is kind of selfish. I want to reinforce, engrave, and tattoo these beliefs in my mind while simultaneously inspiring you. Sexy optimism for a sexy life.
*Sexy because living your dreams is the best climax you can ever have. And I want all of us to experience that together ;)